ADD:Fengxiang Environmental Technology Industrial Park, Shenma Avenue, High-tech Zone, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, China
Cement Kiln Co-processing Municipal Waste
Cement kiln collaborative treatment of municipal waste is a newcomer in waste treatment. At the current stage in my country, due to the characteristics of waste and the inherent advantages of cement kilns, the collaborative treatment of municipal solid waste in cement kilns will become an important method of municipal solid waste treatment in my country.
Cement kilns have natural advantages in co-processing municipal solid waste:
The cement kiln has a natural stable high temperature environment---elimination of dioxins;
The cement kiln has a natural alkaline environment---neutralizes acid gases and solidifies heavy metals;
The composition of garbage and ash is similar to that of cement raw materials, which can "eat clean" garbage;
Flexible technical means for co-processing municipal solid waste with cement kiln;
Using cement kiln to co-process municipal solid waste does not require much supervision cost.

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ADD:Fengxiang Environmental Technology Industrial Park, Shenma Avenue, High-tech Zone, Pingdingshan City, Henan Province, China
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